What Does a Story Entail?
Writing or improving code requires many small steps that might seem like second nature to you, but to others, the logic is not always clear.
When you create a class or function, introduce a variable, extract a method or add a unit test, every step has some reason and motivation.
Coding Stories are resposi-stories – step-by-step guides where every action is a story page with your thoughts and reasons documented as text and the actual code changes illustrated through visualizations.
The Story
Every story follows along with a Git repository. The entire story is the branch, and each page is a commit.
Why Share Your Story?
Sharing your story doesn’t just benefit others – it can help you gain recognition for your expertise on topics people care about. Coding Stories gives you the opportunity to:
Go Above & Beyond
Improve your non-technical skills by honing your writing and documentation abilities
Contribute to the Community
Help others succeed and break down barriers between junior and senior developers
Dive Deep into the Details
Go beyond theory to provide detailed examples of how you solved a particular task
Get Instant Feedback
Hear from other coders in comments to see how your story helped them
Learn How to Craft an Engaging Story
Check out our step-by-step guide to explore the key elements of an amazing story.
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